Monday, 13 April 2009

Playful Elephants

Well it seems that my hand hasn't appreciated all the attention lavished on it so far with ice-packs, anti-inflammatories and rub - how ungrateful!! My thanks must go to both Dawn and Lesley for your kind comments on yesterdays post. I shouldn't complain really (although I probably will!!) as most of the time the arthritis is under control but now and again it lets me know it is still around. Of course being right-handed it had to attack my right hand it couldn't possibly have gone into the left one - that way I could at least have had a good colouring session. Oh well fingers crossed (with my left hand!) that it improves tomorrow.

Anyway here is the second card that I promised to post up today of the elephants.

As you can see we used the same sort of layout and materials as for the first one but just juggled them around a bit. (And yes Lisa you do spy some cuttlebugging which was done on Core-dinations cardstock.) These elephants are also by Little Claire and can be purchased at The Craft Barn as can the Inktense pencils that we used to colour in the image.


brenda said...

Oh dear Kay, sorry about your hand,I can identify as I've got a form of arthritis so know all about the pain. Fortunately mines worse left shoulder/hand so craft continues ! Saw a programme with you and Jill yesterday - Japanese, but not sue if it's a new one ?

Anyway, hope your soon back to rights.


Kay Carley said...

Thanks Brenda. As I say I can't complain really. It is just frustrating as I have loads to do!

The programme you saw was the latest one we filmed, but it is nearly a year old now.

Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. It is always nice to know that someone is reading it!

Best wishes
Kay x

lisa said...

Poor you Kay. I've just been reading about your poor hand. I can sympathise as I care for my Mum who has severe RA so I know how dibilitating it can be. She loves crafting but some days can't do anything at all.
Rosehip tablets are supposed to be very good if you take one everyday!
Hope things improve. Take care.